Sunday, June 16, 2013

Customer Satisfaction Survey for USDOL and FECA

From Nancy Tongue at Health Justice for Peace Corps Volunteers:

The USDoL/FECA have created a survey about how they are performing. If you have dealt with this agency we encourage you to take the survey. It seems to seek information about the most recent contact we/you have had with them but they give you space to write in many of the que boxes. So, unfortunately, it is very limited but we think it is really important to complete it and express what you feel.

Please take the survey if you have had dealings with them!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there are volunteers that have not come forth to express how they feel about the safety experiences they had overseas at their sites. During my experience, there were several times in which no action was taken due to safety issue. I was not shy in speaking up. At the times you realized that information fell on deaf ears. One major issue is the lack of representation by someone from Peace Corps in country on the part of the Volunteer would have greatly improved the situation. I feel that the organization needs to review its structure and needs. What worked for Peace Corps in 2000 may not be viable in 2013.
